We would like to warmly welcome you to St James Church of England Primary School!
We are very fortunate to be situated at the heart of the beautiful rural setting of the villages of East and West Hanney in South Oxfordshire.
Our school is a very special place where adults and children learn together and support each other so that everyone can flourish!
Click on the link below to find out more! Better still, come and pay us a visit so that we can meet you, show you around and share what a very special place St James CE Primary really is. Our friendly office staff would be delighted to arrange an appointment.
Lucy Ottaway
Our School Prayer
Dear God, thank you for everyone who is part of
the St James community.
Lord Jesus, we are sorry for the mistakes
that we have made,
Holy Spirit, please help us to be kind and courageous,
for the good of all.
https://www.facebook.com/114673608351441/posts/333445456474254 Jul 05
St James C of E Primary School
OX12 0JN
01235 868232