Attendance & Absence
Our policy and procedures to support positive attendance and punctuality can be found at the bottom of this page and in our policies section.
A useful guide to support parents can also be found at the bottom of the page.
We celebrate classes' attendance in our celebration assembly and our communal displays.
Please also take a look at the following leaflet which provides support and guidance for parents of children in the Early Years:
Parents and Carers guide - Attendance in Early Years
It is important that if your child is absent from school their absence is reported to the office as soon as possible, either by telephoning 01235 868232 or by email If we have not had any contact to explain your child’s absence, we will contact you to find out the reason.
When your child returns to school, please send in written confirmation of the dates that they were absent and the reason for their absence.
Our classroom doors are closed for registration at 8.50am. After this time children will need to come into school via the front office to be signed in.
We encourage excellent punctuality via our weekly raffle; which we celebrate in our weekly assemblies.
Where possible, medical appointments should be made out of school hours; however if your child does have to attend an appointment during the school day, please inform the School Office and provide written confirmation of the appointment to the office.