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As part of the Vale Academy Trust our Local Governing Body (LGB) operates under a Scheme of Delegation from the Board of the Trust and the VAT Board is responsible for appointing five members of the LGB. Two governors act as representatives of the parent body, the staff are represented by one staff governor and the Headteacher also sits on the LGB. If becoming a Governor is something you would be interested please click for further information in our Vacancies section.

Our current governors and roles:

  • Lucy Ottaway – Head Teacher (Ex-officio – By virtue of position held)
  • Alan McPherson – Chair, Pay Committee, Inclusion, Finance, Health & Safety & Safeguarding (including Digital) (appointed by Directors)                                                                                                   
  • Caroline Watson - Parent Governor, Stakeholder Engagement & Communication
  • Mandy Richardson – Staff Governor                                                                                                                    
  • Christine Grandison – (appointed by Directors) Governor & Early Years


  • Chris Palmer - (appointed by the Diocese) Foundation Governor, Pay Committee & Behaviour 
  • Fiona Assershon - (appointed by Directors) Quality of Education
  • Katy Wells is our Clerk to the Governors





St James C of E Primary School
OX12 0JN


01235 868232
