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Personal Development

Our vision: To enable all to flourish to be the best they can be for the good of all!

Why is this such an important part of education?

Sir Ken Robinson: “Human beings are naturally different and diverse. A real education has to give equal weight to a broad curriculum that celebrates all their various talents and speaks to parts of children’s being which are otherwise untouched. The second principle that drives human life flourishing is curiosity. If you can light the spark of curiosity in a child they will learn. One of the roles of education is to awaken and develop powers of creativity. If you cherish and value the relationship between teachers and learners … schools spring to life”

Personal development at ST james

With the pupils at the heart of everything we do at St James, educating the whole person is pivotal to our learning approach, including their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. As well as ensuring pupils know how to live safe, happy, healthy lives, we want to inspire and nurture talents and allow pupils to experience the wonders our World has to offer! We aim to do this through our broad and balanced curriculum that goes beyond National Curriculum Expectations. By knowing our children, their families and their needs. And by giving everyone a real sense of belonging as part of 'one spirit and one body in God'. We enhance pupil's 'Cultural Capital' with enriching experience, so that they have the knowledge to successfully navigate society and flourish. Our children leave with a strong sense of self and are confident, resilient individuals, who have the courage and kindness to stand up for what is right!  



Vale Academy Trust Character and Citizenship Awards


A scheme unique to the Vale Academy Trust whereby all pupils in the Trust's primary schools are enabled to participate in meaningful character and citizenship development.

CLICK HERE to see an example of our specially designed record card that help our pupils record their progress as they achieve their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum award levels.

Click here to find out more about the Vale Academy trust character & citizenship awards


St James C of E Primary School
OX12 0JN


01235 868232
