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St James’ definition: We see spirituality as taking time to think, question and enjoy all that life has to offer beyond the everyday. 

Spirituality as a vital part of being human. For some spirituality comes very naturally while for others it is something that must be learnt and practised. It benefits everyone to make time in the day to be spiritual, particularly in such a busy World. 

Our vision ‘For the good of all’ from 1 Corinthians 12 comes from the idea of everyone having differences but if we support each other and come together everyone is better off. Developing spirituality is an important part of this vision, so that everyone has a sense of themselves and an understanding of others. 

Developing spirituality at St James CE Primary School:


  • Collective Worship: allows for spirituality through singing, stories, prayer and moments of contemplation and reflection. Staff have been trained in the ‘Space Maker’ practices and these are used throughout the school at appropriate times, including in a weekly Class Collective Worship. As a school we have services in church at several points in the year to allow everyone to come together an experience a spiritual space. With this in mind Collective Worship also takes place outside to experience the beauty of nature. 

  • In the classroom: We use Discovery RE, which we have chosen as our scheme as it is an enquiry based approached that allows for spirituality and self-reflection. Children gain knowledge of a range of religions while considering their own beliefs. Our curriculum has been designed to promote spirituality with the drivers of: curiosity, empathy and adventure. Our pedagogical approach also allows for spiritual development with an emphasis on questioning, thinking and oracy. Our PSHE curriculum, Jigsaw PSHE, reminds us all to be mindful, to pause, and to notice and experience the spiritual in the midst of the activity and busyness of a normal school day – and to recognise the importance, significance and impact of spirituality in our lives. Spontaneous moments of spirituality are encouraged, particularly in subjects such as music, art, geography & science. 

  • Around the school: Our ethos and culture aims to develop the whole child, with spirituality an essential part of this. Our outside space is very special at St James and is used as often as possible. Lunchtime play allows for different ways to develop spirituality from adventure and discovery on the field, to reflection time in our peace garden and creativity in our Cabin. Children know the importance of being kind even to those who we might find challenging. Courageous advocacy is celebrated. 

  • Out in the World: Enrichment including a progression of residential visits aims to encourage and develop independence  


St James C of E Primary School
OX12 0JN


01235 868232
